As part of the course Research & Knowledge I researched together with my colleague Sarah Molinari in relation to 3D models in architecture. A model of the clock tower in Graz, an animation and a poster were created. I was responsible for the poster design and the animation.
Can architects reconstruct a building plan using 3D models? When will 3D models become the industry standard in architecture? These are the central questions that we dealt with. The project “3D Modelling and Reconstruction of Buildings and Cities” deals with the relevance of 3D models in relation to reconstruction of buildings and cities. Based on a survey, qualitative results show the approach to the matter from the perspective of architects and students. Furthermore, we explain connections between existing 3D models and the legal and practical challenges. The history of architectural design and development, as well as digital 3D modeling, are thematised. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as the resulting potential opportunities for new paths in the field of architecture are described. Digitalization is becoming more and more relevant in today’s times, due to wars and climate change. Easy access to the software you need, as well as the ability to make quick changes, are just some of the benefits of working with 3D models.

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